Happy New Year's Eve!
Can you believe 2009 is already over? This year went by so fast! But I can't wait for 2010 to get started. I always like to make fun New Year's resolutions... ones that I know I can actually keep and will enjoy. I was thinking today what 2010's resolutions should be and here are some things that come to mind:
-Read more books
-Watch more movies
-Blog more (more outfit posts!)
-Watch a movie at a drive-in theatre
-Play in the snow (I've never been to the snow. hey, I was born and raised in Southern California... cut me some slack!)
-Try to save money and not spend so much (I guess 'be strong-willed' should also be on this list)
-Try to sew, crochet, create more... just be all around more creative
-Go to Disneyland more than just twice a year
So I guess this is more of a list of things I'd like to do in the New Year, and additions I'd like to make in my life as oppose to actual changes. What are your New Year's resolutions? Do you think I need to add anything to my list? Should I make some resolutions for Le Quaintrelle for 2010? anything you'd like to see more of or less of on the blog?
So as we bid a farewell to the past year, and greet the new one I'd like to wish everyone a very happy Jan 1st! Have fun tonight and be safe! I will see you all in the next decade!!