Striped dress: American Apparel
Trapeze dress: Urban Outfitters
Belt: Thrifted
Shoes: Steve Madden
I don't think I've ever worn this striped dress as an actual dress. It's so short that I always just wear it as a tunic or top, but I felt that maybe if I doubled it up with another dress, I could wear it. I think it worked.
I wore this outfit to go shopping with my mom, and we made a stop at Wal-mart (If I can be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of Wal-mart and haven't been there in years. I'm more of a Target girl myself) I could tell I was getting some looks from people but I just ignored it. My mom noticed it too and told me, "people just aren't used to seeing someone dressed like you, clothes aren't as important to a lot of people as they are to you" (and by 'important' she didn't mean materialistically, but more of a taking pride in my appearance sort of way) In my mind I don't think I'm overdressed or dressed weirdly, but then I realized that the majority of people go about their daily business wearing velour sweatsuits or just jeans and a t-shirt. I work at a grocery store (where I wear a uniform so I like to take advantage of the days I can put together an outfit) and just for fun one day I decided to count all the people I saw come in wearing pajamas. I think I counted 15 people during a 5 hour shift. It was kind of ridiculous. I can't do that. I can't go out wearing pajama bottoms or sweats. I even have a hard time wearing jeans if it isn't a pair of cute skinnies with boots or wedges. My sister and I had a conversation one time about how girls (especially celebrities) always claim they're just a "jeans and t-shirt type girl" and how we are so opposite of a jeans and t-shirt type girl because we don't even really like jeans. They're kind of uncomfortable actually. I'd pick a flowy sundress over jeans any day. I think this rant has gone off somewhere... let me get back to what I was saying.
Yes, I get looks from people when I'm out because of stuff I wear. Being apart of the blogosphere and reading all these different fashion blogs, and seeing all your wonderful and unique styles, I don't think the clothes I pick out are out of the ordinary. I feel like they're pretty standard (maybe even a bit under-par) with other fashion bloggers. and you guys make me want to push my style even more and try to be even more creative with my outfit choices. But it's hard when it makes you stick out like a sore thumb depending on where you live. The way I see it is: every day should be a special occasion. Just the fact we wake up everyday should be a good enough reason to put on something that makes you feel your best. Life's short, dress up. I guess this whole vent is to throw out the question: Do you get looks and stares when you go out because of the way you dress? Does it bother you? Do you think today's society dresses TOO casual? Do you think we need to give more thought to what we wear?
I love this post because it is so true. On the days I feel dressed down my boyfriend has to remind me that I'm still dressed better then most of the people we see, especially at the grocery store!
ReplyDeleteYou said you're in Southern California? My Dad lives there. People there are dressed very laid-backly (sorry not a word but can't find the one I mean right now) on one hand and spend an (to me) incredible amount of time and money on comsetics like acrylic nails, surgery and hair/ makeup salons. In Europe you find people to be better dressed , but not as cosmetically enhanced. (I'm german, hence the bluntness. Sorry.) Sometimes with my jeans, blouse, and scarf I feel underdressed here, but I have to stick to jeans because I work in a chemical lab where cotton pants are derigeur. I am better dressed than my colleagues though ;)
ReplyDeleteI break out the special outfits on weekends and do get weird comments from some of my family and looks when I am grocery shopping. Sweat pants are becoming more ubiquitous, whereas the old ladies still come very well (if conservatively) dressed to the supermarket.
I do think though, that one should wear things that make us feel beautiful and I don't think a convincing case can be made for pyjama pants making us feel beautiful, unless maybe they were a brilliant sapphire silk :)
Oh and I have that AP dress in red and black and also only ever wear it as a tunic, but the way you are wearing it is inspiring me to try it as a dress.
I've ranted about this myself! In my town it is common to see people (men, women, and children) wearing the same ratty flannel and sloppy slouchy cargo pants to work, church, important parties, and gardening! It actually bugs me a little how casual we have become. I agree that blogging makes me want to step it up. I used to look forward to jeans on Fridays (a self-imposed rule- my boss/Principal will show up in sweats sometimes). Now I force myself into them just to break it up.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree that in general we look too casual. I have had so many comments from friends and family about how "dressed up" I look and how they would love to do the same. I reply that if you want to, why not? I hate the idea of saving clothes for "best" - such a shame not to wear beautiful things every day.
ReplyDeletei love dressing up everyday! but i feel like in nyc you can wear whatever you want and no one will bat an eye. i like to wear my cute items and not have to "save" them, even if i'm not going anywhere super special. i also hate wearing jeans... i've only found a couple of pairs that i even like
ReplyDeletelove the layering in this look!
I love this post! I hate that society has become so casual and that it's acceptable for people to go out into public in pajamas or sweats. Because I'm a college student and most other girls are in Nike shorts and t-shirts, I definitely get strange looks sometimes. "Life's short, dress up." I love it.
ReplyDeleteI think it speaks to your confidence that you can dress stylishly in an area where that is out of the ordinary. You are clearly comfortable enough in your own skin (and in your wardrobe lol) that you are ok with standing out from the crowd a bit. I applaud you for that! I understand completely as I live in an area where not many people "dress." I have TRIED to post "street fashion" photos on my blog. I've sat in a busy area of downtown for hours watching passersby and not seen a single person with style! Tragic!
ReplyDeleteAwesome post! I feel the same way all the time, especially being on a college campus. It's so frustrating! I almost never wear jeans--they're so constricting! I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. :D
Before I even read anything I was thinking you looked really cute. I never thought of layering dresses like this--very cool.
ReplyDeleteNow for a short rant: I agree-wholeheartedly. People can be so LAZY! In college, I would go to class wearing jeans and a nice blouse and people would be like, "Why are you so dressed up?!" I'm not dressed up, I'm dressed. Meanwhile they're in sweats and a tee-shirt. A better question would be, why do people think it is acceptable to roll out of bed and walk around town in their PJs? And don't get me started on velour.
Unravelled Threads
I get stared at consttantttlyyy... it's like the craziest thing in the world to look stylish in Michigan, apparently! Even today, I'm wearing a simple floral dress and yet girls are STARING! It's like.. what is up! Maybe they just like it, I don't know, but it creeps me out!
ReplyDeleteI definitely agree that most people dress too casually on a day to day basis. At least from the people I've talked to, it's all about comfort, which I can kind of understand. But comfortable to me is wearing flats instead of heels when I have to walk to the market.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, I like that you layered the dresses a lot!
This subject totally gets me ranting too. I live in a small northern california surf town with a strong "locals only" vibe, and I feel like I get a lot of hostility and stares because of how I dress "up" and apparently am always taken for a tourist or the dreaded "rich college kid" from another place. I was born and raised here in a low income family, I make a lot of my clothes or buy second hand, but because I don't wear Ugg boots and a surf shop sweatshirt everyday (or any day) I do feel like I stand out. It's not really a good thing either, but blogging and seeing other girls who dress how they want to, like you, has really made me feel more confident.
ReplyDeleteI've made experiments counting how many people come through my work wearing leggings as pants (girls) and flannels (both boys and girls), and while I don't feel like it's unacceptable for people to dress casually, I think it's incredibly wrong to act as though a casual "uniform" is the only way to be a local or a person worth treating with respect.
Okay I'm done, I love love love the layered dresses! and I'm still kicking myself for getting rid of those shoes a few years ago :[
I'm really glad I'm not alone on this! And that all of you have this same issue. I guess that's just the price we pay to be stylish. haha.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to think that 99% of the stares and looks we get are because the people like what we're wearing... or at least I hope that's the case. and I definitely agree with you Kaye... comfortable to me means wearing flats instead of heels, not wearing sweatpants instead of regular clothes.
and Jokerine, I agree that America and Europe have totally different ways of dressing. I do live in Southern California where so many people get cosmetic surgery and spend hundreds of dollars on their hair, yet go around in Juicy Couture sweatsuits. It doesn't make any sense to me. We definitely have a more laid-back style in California and it is so easy to get stuck in the rut of wearing jeans and flip-flops everyday, which is pretty much the rut I was in when I started posting my outfits online and the major reason of starting the blog-- so I don't get stuck in ruts where I'm wearing the same boring thing day in and day out and I force myself to change it up a little and exercise my creativity in coming up with new outfits. But I also understand that 99% of the population doesn't post pictures of their outfits on the internet everyday. haha
Ahhhh yes, I totally agree with everything you just said. When I go to school each day, I'm often one of the only, or the only, person wearing a dress or skirt amongst about 40 girls wearing jeans, hoodies, tshirts and ugg boots.
ReplyDeletePeople make comments like "you're so overdressed, it's only school" but I feel like we should be dressing up more than if we were just lazing around on the couch all day. Our teachers make an effort to come to school every day dressed in nice clothes, woman often wear high heels and dresses and men buttoned shirt and suit pants, why should the students dress so differently to them?
And also,I love to be creative. I don't have an entirely new outfit for every day, but I love to come up with different pairings of my clothes. It's fun, I enjoy it. I don't see why my peers, who spend hours each day layering on makeup, straightening their hair and applying fake tan, don't take the same pleasure in the clothes they put on their body.
I think you always look lovely! And for me, getting dressed up makes me feel better, smile more and keeps my energy up. It's fun and creative and helps me stay inspired. Right now I'm in NY, so this is no big thing. But, when I travel home to visit my parents in Ohio I get often get looks and remarks - but I try and just let it go and know I'm dressing for me!! So, I say whatever makes you feel good works!!
ReplyDeleteYou make some very good points. I have noticed since starting my blog, that I get a lot of stares. I kind of enjoy it and figure it means I'm doing something right.
ReplyDeleteThe blogging community has completely helped reinforce my passion for dressing up to the point that I no longer care what other people think. I love it. I think it's completely healthy.
Which reminds met that, I don't think enough people know the value of dressing up. Not only does it elevate your confidence but it elevates your worth in other's eyes. Nothing wrong with that!
The thing that gets me is that I don't give people the hairy eyeball for schlepping around in their pajamas or sweats or whatever, so why do I get it from them for dressing up a little? I wouldn't even say I dress up compared to the fashion bloggers but for the town I'm in, I definitely dress like I thought about what I put on instead of pulling the first wrinkled thing out of the laundry that didn't smell to bad and tossing it on...
ReplyDeleteI used to be concerned about fitting in and as a result I dressed way, way down to avoid scrutiny. I did this around my sisters because clothing and appearance weren't valued in my family (we're all from the Midwest where a good number of people tend to dress like they just got back from a canoe trip; it was considered shallow to want nice clothing) and at first when I moved to Southern California I did the same here.
It has only been recently that I have fully embraced the fact that I love clothing and that that in and of itself doesn't make me a shallow person; in fact, it's a legitimate way to experience the world. I think those of us who love clothing are people who have a sensitivity to colors, patterns, textures, silhouettes, you name it. We are especially sensitive, I think, to the way things are put together, the way they feel and so on.
I think it says more about the person giving us "the look" and their own personal issues than it says about us. Now when it happens to me, it registers but no longer stings; instead, I walk taller. I'm no longer a sponge soaking it in but rather the duck, letting it all roll off! That is my latest mantra: be the duck.
Love this! I have a really similar dress and I always have trouble styling it, so thanks for the inspiration.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I feel the same way! I often wear different outfits to class then I do when I go out because I get really uncomfortable getting stares from my peers. I'm trying to get over that and just wear what I want no matter what the occasion is. But sometime it is really hard!
Annie: Be the duck! I love it!
ReplyDeleteomg this is so true! i live in hk and ive seen people in the supermarket with their pajamas and bunny slippers!no joke!
ReplyDeleteI actually live in jeans but then I dress it up with a nice top and cute shoes. I cant walk out the house without feeling like im wearing something nice or slightly stylish. I want to look good and not sloppy. I usually think to myself would i wear this to school, because to me thats where you definately are judged the most and if i wouldnt wear it to school, i change