Even though I had to work on Valentine's Day, I still wanted to enter the forever sweetheart contest Forever 21 was putting on over at Chictopia, so I decided I'd put together what I
would have worn. Whenever I think of dressing up, or anything romantic, I automatically go to old-fashion retro "pin-up" attire. Who knows why. It worked out perfectly that this skirt just so happened to be from Forever 21.
Also, my dog Toby had to be my sweetheart. Don't worry, the other dogs got some love too, as you can see... it was just that Toby was the easiest to hold for the picture. And because he always wakes me up at unGodly hours of the early morning to come sleep in my bed, so I think he might love me a little.
Shirt and Skirt: Forever 21
Fishnets and Shoes: Target
Hair comb: gift
Today was also a good day because I went to the dentist and had no cavities! Big smile. and my big fat Ebates check came in the mail! I got $30 from the Christmas shopping I did online. This isn't an advertisement, or sponsor, I'm just literally amazed that I got money for shopping online. If you don't use ebates,
sign up immediately!