Monday, November 23, 2009

A Peace Treaty

Gonen by A Peace TreatySayyal by A Peace TreatyLeontes by A Peace Treaty
Bhimber by A Peace TreatyArnon by A Peace TreatyJanna by A Peace Treaty
Navah by A Peace TreatySenital by A Peace TreatyNeoni by A Peace Treaty
Aphra by A Peace TreatyOriginal Niani by A Peace TreatyBorderlines Yellow by A Peace Treaty

You know what time of the year it is... the time to start bringing out my favorite accessory... scarves! And what better timing-- A Peace Treaty scarves are on sale all week at Cutdrop, with a percentage of the proceeds going to Counterpart. Go have a looksie!


  1. Dear Quaintrelle, please do a blog showing some ways to tie scarves...........i'm clueless.

  2. Beautiful scarves! I love this season, def a great time to accessorize! - Natalya of Wear Necessities

  3. <a href="


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