I don't know what it is with me and the red, black and white color scheme lately... it just seems to be what my hands gravitate towards in my closet. Or maybe I just wanted a reason to wear my new sweater I got from Old Navy for $6. yes, 6 dollhairs.
also, I did the whole "which looks better" shoe question to my mom. One foot I was wearing black and white spectator heels, the other, these leopard low-heels. She picked the spectators. I replied, "really?!" and then she goes, "actually, I don't like either." In which I responded, "Okay, I'll wear the leopard." I don't know why I even ask opinions when I already know which ones I want to wear. There was just something about the leopard print having no rhyme or reason with the stripes that made me think, 'this is a perfect match.' but then again, in my mind, odd pairings like that always seem to make sense.
Shirt (actually a dress): American Apparel
Jeans: Target
Sweater: Old Navy
Shoes: Target
These pictures are the result of me messing around with the vibrance effect on Picnik. Too much? or juuuust enough?