(a John Muir tree trunk sculpture!)
Dress: Old Navy
Shirt: Marshalls
Sorry for the lack of substantial posts as of late. I know the editorial/runway posts get sort of monotonous after awhile-- but there was good reason why I was absent! I was visiting my (very pregnant) sister up in central California for the past week. I'm kicking myself that I didn't take more pictures, but I can't really do anything about it now. Rest assured, fun was had by all.
Her town has a Forever 21 DEPARTMENT STORE. It. Was. Amazing. Upon telling my facebook friends list this news via my status, a couple different people informed me that they also had abnormally large size Forever 21's by them. I never knew such things existed! I'm used to my average size garden variety Forever 21's. I could hardly contain myself, I was like a kid in a candy store; excited and overwhelmed all at the same time. I had no idea where to start, what section to go to first... and about an hour later I walked out with a reasonable-sized bags filled with goodies. I may have to do a haul post about it in the near future.
Other than that, I went to a couple doctors appointments with my sister... getting to hear my little niece's heartbeat. I can't believe she's going to be here in a matter of weeks, if not days ;). I had so much fun helping my sister get her clothes all hung and her closet put together; all those cute little miniature clothes! It almost makes me want my own.
I'm bummed I had to come home... but the next the next time I see her she'll have a wee little peanut! I can't wait!