You know when you wake up and suddenly remember what you did the night before and think, "did I really do that?" That's exactly what I thought this morning when I woke up and thought, "did I really publish a post about my anxiety?!" Then I went online and saw all your comments and emails, and read every single one, three and four times actually. I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate your kind words and support and sharing your own experiences with me. It makes me feel so positive and reassured.
Sometimes I feel like with blogging, especially fashion blogging, that you create this little persona of yourself, where you only talk about the glamorous, exciting part of your life and you give off this false impression that you have it all together and everything figured out and you're riding around on a unicorn under rainbows all the time and it's usually never the case. Like one of the comments said, sometimes your issues are invalidated by the way you look or because you had a good day, because you think someone who's dealing with something should look a certain way. One of the reasons I even started this blog was to FORCE myself to get ready. To have a reason to pick out clothes and put on makeup. For so long I never felt like getting ready and putting on makeup,which in turn made me feel even worse because I never felt attractive. So I have my blog to thank for giving me a reason to WANT to look put together and look forward to picking out my outfits. Because how you look definitely effects how you feel.
And just because I dress up, or go out somewhere, doesn't mean I wasn't a nervous wreck the whole time and was continuously talking myself down from a panic attack, because about 85% of my outings are exactly that. I just don't want to give you a false impression of who I am. Not to say that I'm not happy, or never have fun when I do go out, but just because I did it doesn't mean it wasn't extremely hard for me.
But again, I cannot thank you all enough for your kindness and sweet words and out pour of support. I love that I now feel like I have a place to turn to when I'm having a difficult time and there are people that will help me through it and be there for me, and for that I am so grateful.