and one of my niece, just because:
I know I've been lacking on posting lately, and I apologize. As you may or may not know, my laptop's hard drive completely crashed and the computer won't even start up. So I've literally been accessing the internet on my ipod touch, and my dinosaur of a desktop when I have the patience to deal with it (which I'm on now.) Every place I looked for a new computer, they never had the one that I wanted. I feel like maybe it's a sign or something. I did end up ordering one online today, so hopefully things will get back to normal once that's up and running.
I have to say though, taking a little break from the internet was quite enjoyable. I was way more productive. I got more stuff done. I went outside, haha. Which is where these pictures came from. I went down to Coronado on Saturday to see the Centennial of Navy Aviation airshow. It was so. crowded. We couldn't even get on the Navy base. It was such a beautiful day though, that we decided to go to the beach instead (and it was perfect since the planes were flying right over) I couldn't even get over how warm it was for February. I couldn't believe how long it'd been since I'd gone to the beach. I definitely need to go more. And to top it off, it my niece's first time at the beach! It was awesome that I was able to be there to see it. Of course, she was indifferent about it, but still. This was actually a first for me too. I've never been to a beach on Coronado. Coronado is a little island off of San Diego for those of you not from California. But it's also the epitome of what people think of when they think of California. Beautiful beaches, perfect weather, nice houses, people driving around in convertibles, riding bikes, everyone's good looking haha. Trust me, not all of California is like that. But it's nice to know there's places that are.
So all that to say this, hold on my dears, I promise I'm coming back soon! Crossing my fingers that the post man is on his A-game and gets it delivered quickly!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day and great week!